Want to Go to College?
You may qualify for up to $6,095 in college grants this year!
Grant Funding and Assistance
Billions of dollars are now easily available to many Americans
Costumers request grant research on a daily basis due to its complexity. Researchers have developed a tactful art to maneuver the ins and outs of databases, to sift through the over responsive grants.gov, and to properly qualify the opportunity that fits you best. Here we discuss the overall basics and how-to’s of Grant Research from small foundation awards to federal entities.
Grant Research
First things first, be sure you or your organization is grant ready. Grants are neither an emergency fix nor the sole support of your entire operation. In opposition to popular belief, many grantors will want to hear about your sustainability to run on your own after they provide seed money.
Would you ask your parents for 100K every year?
Also, funders may only provide part or some of what you need, you may need to supply various documents, different validity, etc. for every entity. This makes it imperative to track and create a cohesive plan of attack. Funders, especially federal, will want to see new ventures and supplement your program development rather than supplant.
So you’ve made your plan, you have a vision, and you’ve done well to define a project!
Now we need a grant!
Where to start?
Grant Funding and Assistance
Billions of dollars are now easily available to many Americans
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Do you buy a database, enter the scary world of grants.gov, or skim the reviews of Foundation Center? The decisions are endless when considering where to start your grant research.
Database Research
For those just starting out, we’ve typically found databases to be over priced or unfeasible at the time. Some affordable providers are GrantGopher.com or GrantStation.com. Also, you can use your local United Way, which will allow you access to their premiere subscription to the Foundation Center (the largest foundation database available). These will save time and assist in the long-term planning and success of a new organization. Additionally, these engines will provide contact information for the numerous private foundations that do not have a website or accessibility to novel search engines.
Grants are much like marriages or any other long-term commitment. You are looking for the perfect match. Be sure to stick to your intent. Don’t chase the money for money’s sake. Every funder, every site, and every grant vary. These entities are seeking out projects to leave a legacy and make change, so be sure that this change is the change you want to be.
Below you will find the resources to get started on your search for your ideal grant program online!
Want to Go to College?
You may qualify for up to $6,095 in college grants this year!
Grant Funding and Assistance
Billions of dollars are now easily available to many Americans